Media & Culture Fast Forward

An inspiring innovation festival trying to bring together all changemakers of all media & culture organisations of Flanders

This festival started off as a small showcase festival for the VRT innovation projects. Very quickly this grew into a full blown innovation festival with a purpose. Every year a central theme was chosen to create focus and purpose for these innovation efforts.


From 2016 until 2021 this event was a gathering of 1000+ changemakers, journalists, decision makers, startups, execs, students, creative storytellers and digital champions. Showcasing innovation startups and projects, inspiring talks, interactive round table conversations and artistic installations.

Most important was the rock ‘n roll experience and the opportunity to really meet new people and find business leads and solutions to real problems. Of course all that energy ended up in one big closing party.


During the pandemic we needed to get creative to get our message accross. Furthermore this period was an opportunity to really try out new ways to tell the same stories about culture & media innovation. We visited Peter Hinssen in his Apple Chapel talking about media rebirth & Ruben Verborgh in the Krook talking about SOLID. We teamed up with Milo Rau & NTGent with an evening of ‘How to reboot culture‘ after the pandemic with live performances of Jaouad Alloul & Jef Neve


In the 2019 edition we teamed up with some cutting edge education organisations. In Kortrijk we teamed up with HOWEST about gaming. In Anterp we teamed up with KUL & UA about fake news. In Brussels with VUB Tim Raats & Karen Donders about a new frontier of digital journalism. In Ghent we teamed up with UGENT & SAMSUNG about digital economy and in Mechelen with THOMAS MORE about immersive storytelling.


We did a 24 hours hackaton on rebooting the culture & media organisations. On how to understand the difficult pandemic momentum and experiencing an opportunity instead of a crisis. Of course we did this in a new interactive way by live streaming the room we were working in and giving everybody the opportunity to check in and co-write the document live. This ended up in a booklet of 50 pages insights that became the blueprint for further storytelling.

Keep it rock ‘n roll!! Thanks for being such a force in our team.

Fredo de Smet - Curator Media Fast Forward / Brainwash - Chief Visionairy Officer at LTS